Jennifer Martin, an English teacher at Benjamin Bosse High School, remains an optimist despite the challenges inherent in more than twenty years in the profession. Teaching in the community where she grew up, Jennifer recognizes the harsh realities students often face, such as overcrowded classrooms, food insecurities, and unstable home environments, and thus prioritizes helping students embrace the process of learning and feel its power. Resisting the status quo, Jennifer collaborates with colleagues and administrators to implement new initiatives to benefit her school community, such as a pilot program to improve reading and writing skills through the use of manipulatives. Taking into account individual interests, Jennifer employs a broad range of instructional techniques in her classroom to maximize learning within a group environment. Jennifer is quick to step in when there is a need, whether that be with her individual students, her colleagues, or her community. Jennifer’s high expectations and unwavering belief in her students serve as a model and inspiration. Jennifer also served as INSPIRE's Armstrong Teacher-in-Residence.