Jackie Williams firmly believes in empowering her students to think for themselves. In fact, she often responds to students’ questions with either, “What have you tried?” or “What makes good sense?” Jackie is a third and fourth grade teacher at Liberty Elementary School who seeks to engage her students’ minds and bodies. If you were to walk into Jackie’s classroom, you would notice flexible seating options, such as standing desks, stability balls, wobble stools, and bouncy bands. Jackie believes her students deserve a teacher who is willing to bend, shift, and grow to address their specific needs. She tries to meet students where they are, removing metaphorical ceilings so that all students reach their goals, regardless of the expectations imposed by age or grade-level. Jackie adjusts her practices to take into account current research, and has served her wider school community, participating on both school and district-level curriculum committees. Jackie has a reputation of being a caring educator who takes the initiative, such as introducing the Girls on the Run program to her school. Her creativity, resourcefulness, and compassion are an asset to her classroom as well as the greater Mishawaka community.