Q&A with Ronni

How has INSPIRE or the School of Education helped you grow as a future teacher?

INSPIRE has helped give me a community and taught me to trust my instincts, and how to ask for help when I need it. The seminar course has given me many connections and opportunities to gain insight and ideas for my own future career.

What has been your favorite experience as a member of the INSPIRE LLC so far?

My favorite part of being on INSPIRE has been the small things. Night walks, game nights, movies in the lounge, simple things that bring us together as a community.

What influenced your decision to become a Peer Mentor?

The people. I only lived on the floor for three days before deciding to become a Peer Mentor, and it’s been the best decision of my college career. I felt so welcomed onto the floor immediately, and it’s become such a wonderful group of friends, I wanted to be able to pay forward that feeling to the freshmen.

Don’t be afraid to take the risk, to reach out to people, and to trust yourself! This community is designed to support you, to encourage you, so if you’re hoping to meet new people and connect with those around you, this is the place for you.