- Major:
- Elementary Education
- Graduation year:
- 2022
- Hometown:
- Aurora, IN
- Interests/hobbies:
- Hanging out with friends, watching musicals, going on hikes, volunteering with kids

Q&A with Tori
How has INSPIRE or the School of Education helped you grow as a future teacher?
INSPIRE, as well as the School of Education, have provided a plethora of events and resources that have helped increase my knowledge about educational topics that I had not before thought so critically about. I have grown so much and feel more confident in my abilities to be a future educator because of their enlightenments.
What has been your favorite experience as a member of the INSPIRE so far?
My favorite experience as a member of INSPIRE is the trip we went on to Puerto Rico in the summer. We were able to visit many different schools and have some amazing cultural experiences. This trip was truly unforgettable.
What influenced your decision to become a Peer Leader?
I decided I wanted to become a Peer Leader because I loved the community of INSPIRE and the opportunities it provides. I was not yet ready to leave INSPIRE and the community that it fosters, and I wanted to be a part of fostering the next years community as well.

INSPIRE cultivates a community you cannot get anywhere else. It is helpful especially being surrounded by other education majors to help with homework and sharing that common interest.
What are some of the responsibilities you have as a Peer Leader?
As a Peer Leader we are here to help the freshmen with their transition into college. If they have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, they are always free to come talk to us. We try to make sure they feel welcomed and safe on the floor. We also plan cultural excursions in order for them to be able to explore more of Bloomington and cultural experiences. Another activity we plan is fireside chats which is when we bring educators onto the floor to have discussions with us about various educational topics. Overall, we are here to make their transition easier by being their friends as well as guide them through any questions they have.
Do you have any advice for anyone who might be thinking about applying to INSPIRE?
My advice for anyone who is thinking about applying to INSPIRE would be to take advantage of all of the opportunities that it provides. Go to the dinners with prestigious teachers, go on the trips with the floor, and participate in the floor activities. We do everything from building our skills as teachers, to becoming a family as a floor.
Anything else you would like people to know about you?
I am also involved in Spruce Student Government and Chi Alpha.
What would you say to someone considering joining INSPIRE?
If you are considering joining INSPIRE, I would highly encourage you to do so. INSPIRE cultivates a community you cannot get anywhere else. It is helpful especially being surrounded by other education majors to help with homework and sharing that common interest in general. INSPIRE also provides experiences that you would not otherwise be getting through seminar, trips, special guests, and the community that is formed.